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Coming Soon! CT15 Cylindrical Walk-Behind Automatic Scrubber

IPC Eagle has done it again! We have literally out the ability to transform our automatic scrubbers in our clients’ hands. So imagine your cleaning an office building that has several rooms that have half title and half carpet. In the past you would need to different tools and or machines to get the job dine with our new automatic Scrubber Transformer kit you can use one tool to complete the whole room.

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IPC Eagle New Transformer Carpet Kit

The CT15 Roller walk-behind automatic scrubber from IPC Eagle, can work in reverse, and can be turned into a carpet cleaner thanks to the company’s new transformer carpet kit.

CT15 Walk behind with transformer carpet kit

CT15 Walk behind with transformer carpet kit

This is possible because the simple injection and extraction system, located near the small pump underneath the body of the machine, puts the water under pressure and sprinkles a detergent solution onto the carpet to be washed. The cylindrical brush removes spots and stains, then the powerful vacuum does the drying. For more information about IPC Eagle products or to schedule a Demo/Lunch and Learn, please contact us at 800.486.2775 or email

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