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The Sky’s the Limit at El Paso International Airport

Everyone’s watching Todd Foret (CLA) do an electric Hydro Cart demo for the El Paso International Airport, he’s a pro! Justin DeGree, Southwestern Regional Manager is checking out the view with Ricardo (lead supervisor El Paso airport), Brett Lambert C.L.A Today (CLA), and Lisa Brown (Spectrum Paper).

HydroCart – Gas.jpg

Hydro Cart - Gas Gas Engine Pump Module

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Hydro Cart - Battery with a Battery Pump Module

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Hydro Cart - Electric with a Electric Pump Module

The Hydro Cart has the unique ability to product a high volume of ultra pure water to allow for window cleaning safely from the ground using water fed poles. The modular system approach allows the Ultra Pure system to be used as a compact and portable system that is easily moved in and out of vehicles, up and down steps and across any terrain. You can use the Hydro Cart utilizing normal tap pressure (tap pressure varies by location). The possibilities are endless and the system can be upgraded at any time. Customer took pictures and said will purchase unit in January! Way to go Justin, Brett, Lisa, and Todd! For more information about IPC Eagle products or to setup a demo please contact us at 800.486.2775.or sends e-mail).

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