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Worcester Courthouse HydroTube™ Reaches the Top

by Jonathan Hawthorne, IPC Eagle Northeast Regional Manager The Worcester County District Courthouse in Worcester, MA spent $20,000 last year to have their windows washed once. They were looking for an in house solution. Paul Jepsen from Simplex Janitorial in Sharon, MA told them about the HydroTube™. The HydroTube™ offers a better, faster way to clean windows up to 5 stories safely from the ground. The unique linear design (patent pending) allows us to build a sophisticated high volume reverse osmosis DI water purification system all in one portable tube. The result is spot free windows at a fraction of the cost and time of any other system. They wanted to see if they could make it up to the top using the pure water system. With the help of an EcoBoost pump we demod the unit for them yesterday.



After cleaning an entire section of windows and leaving one window uncleaned the difference was clear. “I’m sold” said the facilities manager. They expect to order this unit and some cleanos along with it! For more information about IPC Eagle products or to schedule a Demo/Lunch and Learn, please contact us at 800.486.2775 or email

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